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青岛麦迪特是一家专业研发制造单双相除颤器和自动体外除颤仪AED除颤监护仪 的生产厂家

特点除颤步骤 附件 常见问题
当前位置: 主页 > 型号 > Defi® 5 > 除颤步骤 >
  • 除颤步骤 日期:2020-09-09 18:11:31 点击:138 好评:4

    The voice prompts listed in the following table. 1 Check the electrodes. 2 Charging cancelled, check the electrodes. 3 Shock cancelled, check the electrodes. 4 Charging cancelled, analysis restart. 5 Shock cancelled, analysis restart. 6 Ana...

  • 11条记录